Arne Karlsson
Born: 1958
Gender: Male
Joined the Board: 2010
Current election period: 2021-2023
Chair of the Audit Committee
Considered independent.
Former CEO of Ratos AB
Other management duties, etc.:
Ecolean (Chair); Einar Mattsson (Chair); FAPM Fastighets AB (Chair); KANA I Ramundberget AB (Chair); ROL AB (Chair); Rödingbäcken I Ramundberget AB (Chair); TAK Advisory Ltd (Chair), WCPF (World’s Children’s Prize Foundation) (Chair); Swedish Securities Council (Board member); Girovent Holding AB (Board member); and the Advisory Board for The ESS (European Spallation Source) (member).
Bachelor in Business and Economics, Stockholm School of Economics, 1982
Arne Karlsson has experience as CEO and board member of private equity and industrial companies and with managing and developing a diverse portfolio of businesses operating in different markets.
Attendance in Board and Committee meetings during 2021:
- Board meetings: 9 out of 9
- Audit Committee meetings: 8 out of 8
- Remuneration Committee: 1 out of 5
*in 2021 the Remuneration Committee held 5 meetings; 4 of these were after Arne Karlsson stepped down in March