

Amparo Moraleda

Born: 1964
Gender: Female
Joined the Board: 2021
Current election period: 2021-2023

Member of the Audit Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Transformation & Innovation Committee.

Considered independent.

Former GM for Spain, Portugal, Greece, Israel, and Turkey at IBM Corporation* and CCO in Iberdrola’s International Division*.

*Listed company

Other management duties, etc.:

Caixabank* (Board member)
Airbus SE* (Board member)
Vodafone Group* (Board member)


Industrial Engineer by ICAI, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, 1988

Advance Management program (PDG) by IESE Business School, Universidad de Navarra, 1995


Board experience from international listed technology, chemical, aerospace, transportation, automotive and innovation companies and from the financial sector. Management experience from global, listed IT and electric utility companies.  Digital transformation and strategy experience.

Attendance in Board and Committee meetings during 2021:

  • Board meetings: 8 out of 9
  • Audit Committee meetings: 6 out of 7
  • Remuneration Committee meetings: 4 out of 5
  • Transformation & Innovation Committee meetings: 4 out of 5

*in 2021 1 Board meeting was held before Amparo Moraleda joined in March, same with the Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee and Transformation and Innovation Committee

  • Chair of the ESG
  • Member of the Revision